Tuesday, January 12, 2016

10 Worst Scooter Riders

10. James Gee-----You have filmed the same line with the feeble heel, the double whip flat, and the front feeble truck driver probably 100 times. Any 12 year old from TIC can do that.

9. Zig Short-----Because sex changing when you do board slides is sooooooo cool!

8. Joey Aria-----Its not so much that he is bad at scootering as it is the fact that he constantly shares his "My Own Style!" web edit from 3 years ago still to this day

7. Brian Murphy-----Has about as much style as a sweatpant-and-new-balance-wearing pedophile

6. Hunter Bechtle-----The man is literally a potato on a scooter

5. Timothy Jenkins-----You don't know him, but he's a real piece of shit

4. Ninjalifestyle-----Although he claims to have "mastered" the sport of scootering, let me assure you, he is far from the best

3.Jeremy Malott-----Was cyber bullied out of scootering

2. Dakota Schuetz-----The self proclaimed "Number One Ranked Scooter Rider" who is clearly only in it for the money and has TERRIBLE body odor (so I've heard)

1. Scooter-----This German DJ has never actually been filmed on a scooter, which makes me wonder why he is currently one of the top ranked riders in our action sport


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Although I think think making a list of worst scooter riders is ridiculous, I died on the hunter bechtle one hahahahahaha
